Crushing it?

Can we just take a minute to talk about Candy Crush? I just downloaded the game last week, and I realize that for some people I’m over a year late to the party, but for me, I’m right on time. If that time were hell. And if by “being right on time” meant “being trapped in the same circle of hell for years”. For you see, my dear friends. I have been caught up in the seemingly simple simplicity of this game. Everything starts out well and you breeze through levels. But then it happens. You fail. You get stuck. You do not pass Go and collect $200. So you repeat the level again and cross your fingers. Maybe you pass and go on to live another day. Unfortunately, I am not one of those lucky few. I get stuck on a level for hours, sometimes days. I set alarms so I know when a life restores. I annoy my friends on Facebook with game requests with the tiny hope that their aggravation could somehow help me to gain more lives. I’ve even gone so far as to buy lives with the small amount of gold I was given at the beginning of this torture. 

I would like to applaud the creators of Candy Crush Saga for making a highly addictive game that I simply cannot stop obsessing over and playing. I’m serious. I’ve tried to stop and it’s just not something I can handle at this moment in my life. It’s almost like crack cocaine, but kid-friendly. After all, who doesn’t love candy?

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